Monday, August 31, 2009

This week... Busy!

Wow. Ms. Lillian has quite a few adventures scheduled for this week!
We are planning a trip to Plano tomorrow to visit with the people in Daddy's office. Since Billy is switching jobs soon, we need to go visit before he leaves for good. The people at his work have been so supportive of him and of Lillian. They even had a bet going starting in June to see when Lills would come!

After we get back from Plano, we will expect to see Nana and Grandpa. They are coming for my mom's birthday and it should make for some super fun celebrating.

Wednesday, my aunt is driving in to see Lils.

We hope by Thursday and Friday, to get to rest and relax a little bit.

Our friends, the Couches, just had their first grandchild! He was born exactly a month after Lillian! They are so excited.
Oh, I wouldn't re-live those first few days with an infant! Not like we have it all figured out, mind you, but I HATED the feeling of not knowing what to do next. I felt so lost!

I also remember how great it was when people brought food over to the house. Billy, who is a great cook, was just as tired as I was and tried to cook us meals, but got a little tired. It was so nice when someone offered to bring dinner over to us.
So I think Thursday or Friday, I am going to pass on the love to the Couch's. Maybe my bringing some food to them will make their lives just a little easier too.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Oh Stubborn...

So yesterday was a pretty busy day for us.
She got to go visit the pediatrician yesterday and get checked out. She is now gaining weight like no body's business! Weighing in in this corner at a whopping 9 pounds, 3 oz, Lillian Elizabeth!
When we weighed her later in the day, she was 9 pounds 10 oz. how in the world could that be?

As we sat waiting in the doctor's office, we heard the commotion in the next room beside us. Seems a little boy, about 4 or so was getting a shot. You could tell it was coming. The super nice sugary voices, mom trying to get him ready. Then the screaming. Oh the screaming! If that child knew curse words, he would have said them!
He did commence with, "I hate the doctor! I am never coming here again!!!" Yep. I don't blame you, kid.

So during our visit with the doctor, she announced the need to give Lils her Hep B shot. Oh NO! It happened quickly but you could tell it hurt like none other. I think, if she had words, she would have been happy to say the same things the kid next door said!

In the process of talking to the doctor, I told her that breast feeding isn't going so well. She kind of freaked and had her nurse get me into the lactation consultant right away.

Going to the lactation consultant isn't as easy as making a phone call/appointment. You need a prescription. You need to check in to admitting at the hospital. yeah, it is a big deal.
So when I got there, the lactation person (Beth) told me to take off my shirt and bra. Yeah. It is that kind of experience. She looked at me and pronounced me cracked and sore. Duh. I could have told her that without giving her a peep show. She also wondered how I had kept up the breast feeding for so long. (not sure... this is why I HATE breast feeding maybe!)
Seems that Lilly has created a bad habit of biting when she should be sucking. (is this TMI for some of you yet?)
She, according to Beth, needs to learn the new habit. So we did all kinds of things to get her to learn the new habit. Lils was having none of this new stuff! She screamed and yelled, she caused quite the commotion. I have never seen her so pissed off before. Never.
Beth kept saying that Lilly was being forced to do something she didn't want to do and she needed to learn. But Beth also suggested that the sweet Lils was a bit stubborn. Well, duh. She IS my child!

So we are working on this. Feedings are taking forever and involved lots of crying (hers, not mine) and lots of me saying, "I am the mommy and I am the boss" Yeah, we will see how well that goes for me.

Let me tell you, if this is what is happening now, I don't know that I want to see what she is capable of when she is a teenager.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I never knew that hiccups were catching but as soon as she got them, so did I!

And they made me just as mad as they made her!


Well, we are headed to the doctor's office today. Not her doctor, mine. Should be an interesting experience.
I am packing the diaper bag with all sorts of things in the case of any sort of emergency. :)

As you can tell from the pictures, she is really worried about this appointment. yeah, sure.

She gets to visit her doctor tomorrow. I am anxious for that visit since I have a whole list of questions for that doctor! Yes. I have officially become "that mom" who asks a million questions and calls the doctor's office all the time.
Yep. Me. Freak.
I would rather be a freak with a happy, healthy baby.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

One of these days, i will get my act together enough to actually pull out the camera out of the diaper bag and take pictures. I am smart enough to put it in the diaper bag, just not smart enough to get it out of the diaper bag during exciting times! Yeah. I know.

Lils got to visit Billy's parents today and other than being a little fussy at the end, (it was time to eat!) she did great! And darn if I didn't forget once again to take a picture. ugh. Next time!

And we got a gift today! Our friend Jared, who rocks, gave us some music to try out. I am pretty excited to take a listen tomorrow. Maybe it will soothe the savage beast tomorrow? We will see.
I need her calm before we go to visit my doctor tomorrow, so that might be just what we needed.

And Jared and Ginger must be on the same wavelength these days because they both suggested saving the blog as a sort of "baby book".
I guess they know something I don't know about the internet and its reliability in years to come. :)
So, Ging sent this site...
What a great idea this is! I think it will be nice to have it all in book form after her first year of life. Even better than one of those baby books you fill out that has all kinds of firsts. :)

So, anyone who has a blog (it doesn't have to be a baby blog, you know!) and wants to keep said blog in book form, should totally check it out.

So, I am headed to bed. I leave you with some Lilly goodness...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our little Science Experiment

So, I have officially been through 4 outfits today! It is all about liquids in this house! They are coming out of one end or the other all the time!
I am beginning to wonder and take note of how often this stuff comes out of each end and when. I am also wondering if it is something I am eating. I will need to start marking down things I eat and then noting what she does at certain times of the day. I am just hoping it isn't an issue with dairy. I loves me some cheese!

She also, I am discovering, loves Pat Green. I always knew she loved music. She would move around a bunch when she heard music at church and in the car, but I am discovering now how much she likes music. The other day, in the car, I was listening to NPR (yeah, boring!) and she got really fussy. I turned it to a music channel, and she quieted down instantly.
Today as we were walking, she got a little fussy. The pacifier didn't help. So I turned on Pat Green and stuck in in the stroller. She got quiet and happy instantly. I guess we need to do some experiments to see what other music artists she likes.
Would she be ok with Rock? How about classical?

I feel like we are dealing less with an infant, and more with a science experiment.
No telling what sort of magical combination of things we will discover tomorrow.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Mommy Reads to Lilly

Our First Big Girl Bath

Took a few times to get a modest shot. Paris couldn't keep her legs down.


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First Day of School

So for everyone else, it is the first day of school. Not for us. We just nap. :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday, the day of rest? I don't think so!!!

It has been a big day and Lilly is pretty cranky now. Just too much to take in!
We went to church today for the first time since she has been alive. It amazes me how many people love this little girl so very much! We felt bad, leaving the church, because people were running out to see her. But we had to get home. Timing was crazy though. We thought we would be able to make it through church without any issues, but she had a dirty diaper blowout halfway through the service and then she needed to be fed after that, so I missed most of church. I guess we now know why we hadn't gone there before. After church, we figured since she had been fed, it was time to feed the mom and dad so we ventured out for some sushi. Yum!

We got home and while daddy took a nap, Lilly and I started baking some cookies. Not long after, it was time to head to the daycare ( they call themselves a learning center) for meet the teacher night. How cute was that! They had cookies and lemonade and we got to meet the two wonderful ladies who will love, feed, and provide for our little one while we are at work. Lilly is going to be in really good hands. They will be glad to see her in October, when I go back to work.

So we have finally gotten Lilly to sleep after such a long day. Mom and dad might just need a nap as well!!

Lilly's First Restaurant


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Saturday, August 22, 2009

"Kean" for Mac and Cheese

Our friend Elaine Kean (get the joke with the title?) came over on Thursday and brought some fab mac and cheese, fruit salad (to die for!), cookies, and banana bread... both yum!
We are still eating Mac and Cheese leftovers and it is still as yummy as it was on Thursday!
She even brought a little butterfly outfit for Lil.
Most importantly though, she brought some love and affection for LIlly. And some much needed conversation for Lilly's mommy.
Elaine had similar breast feeding issues with her children and was able to really relate to everything I was talking about.
It is nice to hear that you aren't alone and that things can and will get better.

So, here is a big shout out to the Keans. You guys rock my world!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Dallas Cowboys, Daddy, and Lilly

When we first got Annie, our cat, she would curl up on the couch with Billy and "watch" the Cowboy games.
She hates the couch now, so she doesn't do that anymore. I guess B needed a new cowboy "watching" partner.
I think he has one.

Go Cowboys.

Wow. What a day!

Lils got to spend some time at Atherton today.
You had better get used to going to school, kid. It is pretty much going to be your life. :)

We had a great day. We got to see LOTS of people who hadn't seen Lilly yet, so it was really nice for her. It is amazing to me how many people love her and want the very best for her.
We truly are blessed!

On a medical note, we thought we were dealing with some reflux issues. With the spitting up and fussiness, I was just SURE that we had some reflux. Plus, with my medical degree and the What to Expect The First Year book, I was sure I had figured out the problem. We went to the doctor today and she said she didn't think it was reflux. More like a tummy bug. Their little tummies are so sensitive. They just get upset, she said.

B and I are going to track her poops and spitting up over the weekend (like we did when she was first at home) and see if there is a pattern. We will go see the doctor again next Friday for her one month check up, so maybe we will have more info to offer the doctor then.

On to GREAT news, she has already gained an entire pound since her last doctor visit, so she is healthy and eating well.
One look at those chubby little legs and feet, and I could tell you that.
Obviously, she has her mommy's legs!

I wish I would have thought to take more pictures!
I needed one with Madeline, Saba, and Annie.
Oh well, next time for sure!

Our Little Pinup Girl


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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Enter... Grandpa!

So Nana and Grandpa came to visit yesterday and they got to experience it all! Dad got introduced to the fun as Lilly threw up on him. (you are now accepted if you have been thrown up on by Lilly) :)
Billy's parents are next!

My dad, at one quiet point, bragged on her for not being loud or fussy or anything. I think Lil took that as a challenge because the fussy yelling began after that!

All calmed down and was good until about 4 am, when she became hungry and gassy and didn't know how to deal with it all at the same time. Grandpa got to wake up to crabby pants baby at 4 am.

Now he is paying the price for it.

Welcome to my world, people. Welcome to my world.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sleepless night, projectile vomitting morning. Wonder what Lilly plans for us this afternoon!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Shower Gifts... part two

Ok, as you know, if you have read the blog from the beginning, I am constantly on the search for the best shower gifts. I really was bad at shower gifts before and would like to change my ways.

So here is a list of things I have collected recently that I believe would make a FANTASTIC shower gift for the new mom who is breast feeding. (these are all things I didn't register for because, honestly, I thought they were too personal and because I didn't know I needed them. Now after purchasing and realizing the greatness of them, I think this basket of goodies would rock!)

Here it goes...
Next time you attend a baby shower, put together a basket of these goodies and the mom will thank you later!

*Lanolin (a must for nursing moms!)
* breast pads (disposable)
* breast shields. (these rock and make me look like a sci fi character!)
* Mylicon (what would I do without this stuff? )
* burp cloths
* timer (I didn't think I needed one, but it has been my lifesaver at 3 am!)
* baby wipes (small package for wiping off milk face)

Breast feeding is hard, people! This little gift basket makes it just a little easier.
Take my advice. That mommy to be will be glad you did!


Lilly got to go visit her grandparents today. That was pretty darn fun. I totally forgot my camera or I would post a picture here. I am trying to limit the flash photography since that isn't so great for baby eyes. She was alert and awake for most of the visit. She got to hang out with her grandma and make faces at her and look around the house at the cat collection.
We decided she is going to be a person who talks with her hands, since she was sure moving those arms and trying to tell us about the world, without making a sound.
I can't wait to hear what she has to say about the world.

I am sure, if she is from this family, she will have some opinions.

More pictures coming soon.

Tomorrow, the other grandparents come to visit her. I think my dad got a little jealous that my mom got to spend so much quality Lilly time. He will come too and spoil her. Too bad he can't do a feeding at 2 am. I would be happy to let him.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Today was a pretty great day. The night was even ok. She is having a hard time being convinced that at night, she can go 3 hours in between feedings, and still wakes up after 2 1/2. But that is ok. Sure beats having to torture her with cold wash cloths just to wake her up!

Today we got to get out and visit some people which was nice. She is staying awake more during the day, which hopefully will lead to more sleeping at night. She actually was wide awake for all visits today. That was good until it was time to eat, and then all Hell broke loose! Then I was dealing with cranky, hungry baby.

But once fed, she was happy Lilly again.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Gassy, and Wiggly... a perfect combination

Yeah, that is my excuse for this picture being fuzzy.

Thing number 27 people never tell you about until you have a baby...
They have very complex intestines and have a very hard time digesting food. They spit up a LOT and have to be burped a LOT and can fart like truckers a LOT, and sometimes get fussy for no good reason.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Time to do some reading!

We like Fat Babies!!!

Mom brought a baby scale from when she was little. We have been weighing Lillian every day, just to make sure she is gaining weight. (we don't need another scare like before!)
Boy has she gotten bigger! Her little legs now have some baby fat rolls and she might just have a few extra chins. Life is good for little fat babies.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Quite the Busy Day

I guess it has been a busy day for Lilly's Daddy too...

A Busy Day

Well, this morning we went up to school to set things up. I know, I am a nerd. Lots of people got to oooh and ahh over Lilly. She is pretty darn adorable!
She slept the whole time we were there and only woke up to eat when we got home.

Later in the day, we went to Babies R Us for some much needed items, along with a trip to the Apple Store once again, and a quick run for some plants.
All those times, she slept as well. Too bad she is having all these adventures and sleeping through them.
Maybe I need to give her more night adventures. Is that what it takes to make you sleep at night, my little Lilly?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

We HEART visitors...

Lilly is quite the popular one these days.
She had several visitors today! All bearing gifts! We are so darn lucky!


I am thankful for Lilly's Nana!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Sending some happy sleep vibes your way!

Routine? What Routine?

I know, I know. I need to give myself some time! It has only been 15 days that Lilly and I have spent together. And each day is a new adventure. Each day, I think, "Oh, I understand now" and each day, I am surprised to know just how wrong I am.

Last night was tough. I believe the books call it cluster feeding. She ate every hour and REFUSED to sleep. Yeah. I got a full hour of sleep last night. So napping has been happening today.
I am feeling like a slug, but it is necessary. An exhausted me, is a cranky cranky emotional me!

We got to go to the bank and to Sams today. The lady at the check out counter did not approve of a two week old baby being out and about and shopping. I say retail therapy for mommy and Nana!

It was good and we were back just in time for another feeding.

We have a few visitors scheduled tomorrow.
I am exctied about that!

Dear Lillian,
I love you even when you are cranky. Even when you are crying and fussy. Even when you are hungry and I don't think I have another drop of milk to give you. I love you anyway. Don't doubt that I will remind you of this one day when you are a teenager, but I want you to know I DO love you now.
No matter what!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Time for bed

My mom is feeding Lilly, Billy is snoring, and I am ready for some sleep. I am thankful for my family, who keep me sane when I am not, and who love me unconditionally.


Lilly Visits Church

We were able to take Little Miss Perfect up to visit the rest of our family, our church renewal group. They have been incredibly supportive and we love them mucho!

Wish List...

Nana needed an iphone case, so we took a trip to the Apple Store in Fort Worth. Lilly stayed awake the whole time, looking and making a list of all the things she will want her daddy and Grandpa Pike to buy her later.
Needless to say, her PC/Blackberry daddy is thrilled.

Going for a Walk

Lilly got to go on a walk today with Nana. So fun.
She even got to wave at neighbors!
OK, maybe she slept and Nana waved at neighbors, but waving did happen.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A new adventure everyday

So we now have official projectile spewing of milk. Yeah, fun huh?
I needed to use the bottle, because there are some breastfeeding issues, and now when she uses the bottle, she takes in too much milk and too much air and yeah, spewing of milk all over the place. Seriously. Imagine pea soup sort of spewing. Gross. She and I both smell like nice warm breast milk. Yumm.

Oh the life of a mom dealing with a 13 day old baby.
One day! I would just like one day of easy. Is that too much to ask?


I am going to have to kill my husband. Really with the napping picture? Really?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Nap Time


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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Visits and Dinner... Yay!

We had a visit from the amazing Scroggins family tonight. Yay. And they brought gifts and dinner.
We are so thankful.


Plus, she had an excuse to wear the super cute new outfit!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Lilly Visits Uncle Buns

We went to Uncle Buns car lot for a visit.


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Day? Night? Who knows!!

Yeah. Lilly hasn't quite figured out the difference between day and night. She slept all day yesterday and was wide awake last night. At least there was a minimal amount of screaming.

I swear, babies are cute so you won't box them up and send them to another country at 3 am. :)

Aunt Ginger, Makeover Expert


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I Lost So Much Weight on Nutrisystems...

Not all Lilly's clothes fit yet.


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Thursday, August 6, 2009

One small step for man...

No screaming middle of the night feeding tonight!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Girls, My Everything


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When Mama's Happy, Everyone is Happy

Two things:
Lilly's check up went great, everything is going very well and all her stuff is working. We got to see her walk reflex, which cracked us up.
Second, Mommy is wearing prepregnancy clothes already, so that was a nice bonus for her.

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Our First Doctor Visit

As you can see, Lilly is quite nervous.

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