And my maternity leave is almost at an end. I go back to work on MONDAY! Yikes!
In order to prepare myself (and the Lils) for the dreaded day, I spent some time at the school/daycare. I got to hang out with Miss Myrtle and the babies. There are three other babies in the room. Brooke, (who I swear looks like a Rachel) is 7 months old and is about to move on to a bigger kid room. She was finding her voice and really making noise when I was in there. The Lils won't be able to sleep through that. That will make for crank baby when I pick her up!
Then there is Luke. Luke is the only boy in the room and he is all boy. He is a chunk of a child and he is only 3 months old. He will be gone at the end of November to be at home with his mommy.
Ellie is also in the room with Lils. Ellie looks just like her daddy and has some wild wild hair. She is cute and only 10 days older than Lilly. They should be good friends.
Miss Myrtle really bragged on Lilly and said she didn't act like a 2 month old baby. Lils was alert and checking things out and was very much interested in everything going on in the room. I think she and Miss Myrtle will get along just fine.
Miss Paula, the afternoon lady, was there too. She is very soft spoken and very very kind to the babies.
I am feeling better about leaving her there. I know she will be in good hands. It still makes me sad though. Very sad, to leave her there every day. Mostly cause we have had some fun hanging out together! Good thing is, I have a day off Monday, October 12, so she and I can totally hang out all day that day! Yay us!
And the biggest news of all for today is the fact that Miss Lillian slept through the night!!! Yay. I didn't expect her to do that since she is still being fed with breast milk. Usually, babies who are on formula, sleep through the night faster cause it is more filling than breast milk. So I was surprised that she did it! She probably won't do it again for a while, but at least for last night, she slept all through the night! Yay for her! What a big girl she is!
YEA! YEA!! for sleeping through the night. and YEA for Miss Myrtle!