Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nana Clothes!

We have a running joke in the family. If you look at any pictures of me growing up, you will understand. I say to everyone, when I was little, my mother dressed me funny. So before I opened the box, I apologized to the LIls. I told her that my mother dressed me funny and so therefore, it would be expected that her Nana would dress her funny as well. Just something we have to put up with. :)
But when we opened up the box, we were very happy with what we saw! Just in time for picture day! (I was worried that we didn't have enough pictures already of LIl.)
Now, as cute cute cute as these outfits are, I am sure later on, when she is a teenager, she is going to say, "Mom, you dressed me funny!" But I will just blame it on Nana.

Till then, enjoy the cuteness!

1 comment:

  1. In all fairness, you might have included some pictures of Nikki from long, long ago dressed "funny" to let others judge for themselves.
