Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It is Official.

I am officially a parent! I said something to a kid today about "my daughter" and then laughed to myself at that statement. My daughter. Yep. I am officially a parent.
I went to pick up Lils from school today and there was a newsletter, a picture day form, and a fundraiser form all waiting for me.
OH MY. Really? A fund raiser? And it says, "go to work and sell these to your co-workers". Oh my.
So if anyone wants to buy some pizza kits, you just let me know! Needless to say, I am not working too hard to sell pizzas. Certainly not going door to door, although that might be just the thing that the frat boys next door would want. That would certainly seal my parent status.

Picture day is next week. Lils and I are already trying to figure out what she will be wearing for said event. I mean, she has to look fancy that day! No spit up allowed! Do you think we can get away with that? Yep, worrying about picture day...I'm oficially a parent.

Oh, and speaking of spit up, I went all morning with spit up on the shoulder of my shirt without anyone telling me! Is it that I was such a slob BEFORE I had a child, that this is normal? Or is it that they saw the spit up and said, "oh, yeah, she is officially a parent" and went on?
Either way, it is crazy! But I wouldn't want it any other way!

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