She was actually in bed before trick or treating happened, but that is ok. At least we got pictures of her in it before she went to sleep...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
After a million Halloween type outfits, we now present the REAL Halloween costume.
She was actually in bed before trick or treating happened, but that is ok. At least we got pictures of her in it before she went to sleep...

She was actually in bed before trick or treating happened, but that is ok. At least we got pictures of her in it before she went to sleep...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
When I went to pick up the Lils today at daycare, Ms. Paula told me that Lilly had been holding hands on the floor with Luke.
This is way too early to be having a boyfriend! Her daddy says she can't hold a boy's hand until she is 35.
I have a feeling he is in for some trouble later in life.
This is way too early to be having a boyfriend! Her daddy says she can't hold a boy's hand until she is 35.
I have a feeling he is in for some trouble later in life.
Waking Up
I couldn't resist taking video of this. Waking her up is one of my favorite times of the day. She is so sweet and looks so content.
:) Plus, yes... you heard correctly. That is a morning fart. Everyone needs one of those to make it a happy day.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Grandpa caught some laughter on video. Please excuse my goofy sounds in the background.
Halloween Part 3
Big Girl
We have had lots to write about, but never enough time to write. By the time we get home from school and clean bottles and get dinner started, get her fed and put down to bed, Billy and I are exhausted and in bed ourselves. We haven't had time to blog, sadly.
But there is so much to say...
Lils went to her very first birthday party yesterday! Our friend Jayden was turning one, so we got to celebrate with him and enjoy some cake and ice cream. It was a fun party with LOTS of food. And Lils had a nice time looking around and hanging out. At first, she wasn't so sure what to think of all the noise and all the people and she cranked quite a bit, but not long after, she calmed down and was a happy happy girl.
Before the party, she put on one of my favorite fall outfits but it was too little! She really had to squeeze herself into the onesie to get it on. Wow. She is getting so long! So we actually had to break out the three month outfits from the closet and take out the newborn outfits and set them aside for donating. What a big step, moving from one size to another!
My girl is really growing up so quickly!
Ms. Myrtle and Ms. Paula both brag about her at the day care. They say that she acts more mature than the other babies and she really looks around and listens to everything that they have to say. She is certainly going to be an inquisitive child! She gets that from her Daddy!
So, Lilly, even though I am proud of you for becoming a big girl, take your time. Don't grow up too fast! We want you to enjoy being a baby for as long as you want!
But there is so much to say...
Lils went to her very first birthday party yesterday! Our friend Jayden was turning one, so we got to celebrate with him and enjoy some cake and ice cream. It was a fun party with LOTS of food. And Lils had a nice time looking around and hanging out. At first, she wasn't so sure what to think of all the noise and all the people and she cranked quite a bit, but not long after, she calmed down and was a happy happy girl.
Before the party, she put on one of my favorite fall outfits but it was too little! She really had to squeeze herself into the onesie to get it on. Wow. She is getting so long! So we actually had to break out the three month outfits from the closet and take out the newborn outfits and set them aside for donating. What a big step, moving from one size to another!
My girl is really growing up so quickly!
Ms. Myrtle and Ms. Paula both brag about her at the day care. They say that she acts more mature than the other babies and she really looks around and listens to everything that they have to say. She is certainly going to be an inquisitive child! She gets that from her Daddy!
So, Lilly, even though I am proud of you for becoming a big girl, take your time. Don't grow up too fast! We want you to enjoy being a baby for as long as you want!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sniffles, Laughing, and LOTS of smiling!
Poor little Lils has had the sniffles for the past week. No fever, just a runny nose. Makes me wonder if she has allergies. Is that even something they can test for this early? Who knows. Since she doesn't have a fever, and everyone else in the planet has the flu, the doctor suggested we stay at home and not come to the dr office.
Our little girl has started smiling most of her day. She is just so happy to tell us every thing that happened at her school. I think she makes a mental note in her head of all the things she needs to tell us. Tonight, as I was sitting in my meeting, B was playing with her on the bed and she let out the biggest laugh! I am so sad I missed that! Hopefully she will do it again soon!
As soon as it starts again, I will take some pictures and some video of our little laugher.
Till then, sleep well friends! Thanks for checking in on us!
Nikki and Lils.
Our little girl has started smiling most of her day. She is just so happy to tell us every thing that happened at her school. I think she makes a mental note in her head of all the things she needs to tell us. Tonight, as I was sitting in my meeting, B was playing with her on the bed and she let out the biggest laugh! I am so sad I missed that! Hopefully she will do it again soon!
As soon as it starts again, I will take some pictures and some video of our little laugher.
Till then, sleep well friends! Thanks for checking in on us!
Nikki and Lils.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Nana Clothes!
We have a running joke in the family. If you look at any pictures of me growing up, you will understand. I say to everyone, when I was little, my mother dressed me funny. So before I opened the box, I apologized to the LIls. I told her that my mother dressed me funny and so therefore, it would be expected that her Nana would dress her funny as well. Just something we have to put up with. :)
But when we opened up the box, we were very happy with what we saw! Just in time for picture day! (I was worried that we didn't have enough pictures already of LIl.)
Now, as cute cute cute as these outfits are, I am sure later on, when she is a teenager, she is going to say, "Mom, you dressed me funny!" But I will just blame it on Nana.
Till then, enjoy the cuteness!

But when we opened up the box, we were very happy with what we saw! Just in time for picture day! (I was worried that we didn't have enough pictures already of LIl.)
Now, as cute cute cute as these outfits are, I am sure later on, when she is a teenager, she is going to say, "Mom, you dressed me funny!" But I will just blame it on Nana.
Till then, enjoy the cuteness!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Our Day Off...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
October 10th
Eleven years ago today, Billy and I were in Las Vegas, saying I Do in front of Merlin at the Excalibur Hotel and Casino. I think after 10 years, people figured we would not be having children. There were times when B and I were some of those people. But today, we are gifted with this blessing.
We went to a fancy lunch today and enjoyed each other's company. But mostly, we just admired what our love had created.
To my sweet husband,
Thanks for being my best friend for more than 11 years. Thanks for loving me, motivating me, and giving me room to grow. Thanks for always encouraging me and for always giving me the best advice possible. Thanks for everything you do with and for our little girl. I hope she always understands how much her daddy loves her and just how great her daddy is.
And thanks for being married to and putting up with me. Let's make it lots more, 'kay?
We went to a fancy lunch today and enjoyed each other's company. But mostly, we just admired what our love had created.
Thanks for being my best friend for more than 11 years. Thanks for loving me, motivating me, and giving me room to grow. Thanks for always encouraging me and for always giving me the best advice possible. Thanks for everything you do with and for our little girl. I hope she always understands how much her daddy loves her and just how great her daddy is.
And thanks for being married to and putting up with me. Let's make it lots more, 'kay?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
It is Official.
I am officially a parent! I said something to a kid today about "my daughter" and then laughed to myself at that statement. My daughter. Yep. I am officially a parent.
I went to pick up Lils from school today and there was a newsletter, a picture day form, and a fundraiser form all waiting for me.
OH MY. Really? A fund raiser? And it says, "go to work and sell these to your co-workers". Oh my.
So if anyone wants to buy some pizza kits, you just let me know! Needless to say, I am not working too hard to sell pizzas. Certainly not going door to door, although that might be just the thing that the frat boys next door would want. That would certainly seal my parent status.
Picture day is next week. Lils and I are already trying to figure out what she will be wearing for said event. I mean, she has to look fancy that day! No spit up allowed! Do you think we can get away with that? Yep, worrying about picture day...I'm oficially a parent.
Oh, and speaking of spit up, I went all morning with spit up on the shoulder of my shirt without anyone telling me! Is it that I was such a slob BEFORE I had a child, that this is normal? Or is it that they saw the spit up and said, "oh, yeah, she is officially a parent" and went on?
Either way, it is crazy! But I wouldn't want it any other way!
I went to pick up Lils from school today and there was a newsletter, a picture day form, and a fundraiser form all waiting for me.
OH MY. Really? A fund raiser? And it says, "go to work and sell these to your co-workers". Oh my.
So if anyone wants to buy some pizza kits, you just let me know! Needless to say, I am not working too hard to sell pizzas. Certainly not going door to door, although that might be just the thing that the frat boys next door would want. That would certainly seal my parent status.
Picture day is next week. Lils and I are already trying to figure out what she will be wearing for said event. I mean, she has to look fancy that day! No spit up allowed! Do you think we can get away with that? Yep, worrying about picture day...I'm oficially a parent.
Oh, and speaking of spit up, I went all morning with spit up on the shoulder of my shirt without anyone telling me! Is it that I was such a slob BEFORE I had a child, that this is normal? Or is it that they saw the spit up and said, "oh, yeah, she is officially a parent" and went on?
Either way, it is crazy! But I wouldn't want it any other way!
It must have been cookie day today. As I presented Ms Myrtle with our homemade cookies, I noticed Brooke's mommy had brought some store bought cookies. Rookie.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Day Two
And all is well. She was so happy when I picked her up today. She had just had a bottle and was a little sleepy. She slept all the way home and in her car seat in the living room. She was sooo tired from her busy day!
And her mommy didn't cry once today! I missed her, but I kept so busy that I was really ok.
Can't guarantee that it will be like that tomorrow, but today was at least ok. :)
Baked some cookies for Ms. Myrtle and Ms. Paula. I am no dummy. I know how to get on teachers' good sides!
And her mommy didn't cry once today! I missed her, but I kept so busy that I was really ok.
Can't guarantee that it will be like that tomorrow, but today was at least ok. :)
Baked some cookies for Ms. Myrtle and Ms. Paula. I am no dummy. I know how to get on teachers' good sides!
Monday, October 5, 2009
The day at school
It was quite the emotional day for me but Lils did GREAT. She didn't cry once. At least not that I know of.
I can remember, as a teacher, not liking those lingering emotional parents. Those that wanted to stay all day and cry and get upset. Yeah, I would kindly say, "ok mom. She is good. You can go now" Well, I was now one of those moms! And Ms Myrtle kindly got me out the door and to work. I got there early thinking I would spend some time there. I got in my car and realized that I had only spent 6 actual minutes in the room. oh my! Ms Myrtle is good!

I did get to the car and cry a little bit about leaving her. It was hard. I finally got myself together, when I got a text from Billy asking me if I was ok. More tears.
Allison met me at the car with a vase of flowers. So sweet! And such pretty flowers! They brightened my day!
I got hugged from people who aren't huggers, the first grade team did a luncheon in my honor, and my friends came by to check on me all day. I actually was ok through all of those things.
George, however, brought me a card that brings me to tears each time I read it. Yeah, I was good till the George card!
I called and checked on her twice, not bad for a worried mommy I would say. Ms. Myrtle was smart enough to send a note to the office to let me know how Lil was doing. She seemed to be doing just fine.
I counted down the time till I could go pick her up and almost ran in the building to her room!
I couldn't wait to see her little face!
And there she was just napping away!
She had had such a busy day I guess.

I tried to ask her about her day but she didn't say much...
I can remember, as a teacher, not liking those lingering emotional parents. Those that wanted to stay all day and cry and get upset. Yeah, I would kindly say, "ok mom. She is good. You can go now" Well, I was now one of those moms! And Ms Myrtle kindly got me out the door and to work. I got there early thinking I would spend some time there. I got in my car and realized that I had only spent 6 actual minutes in the room. oh my! Ms Myrtle is good!
I did get to the car and cry a little bit about leaving her. It was hard. I finally got myself together, when I got a text from Billy asking me if I was ok. More tears.
Allison met me at the car with a vase of flowers. So sweet! And such pretty flowers! They brightened my day!
I got hugged from people who aren't huggers, the first grade team did a luncheon in my honor, and my friends came by to check on me all day. I actually was ok through all of those things.
George, however, brought me a card that brings me to tears each time I read it. Yeah, I was good till the George card!
I called and checked on her twice, not bad for a worried mommy I would say. Ms. Myrtle was smart enough to send a note to the office to let me know how Lil was doing. She seemed to be doing just fine.
I counted down the time till I could go pick her up and almost ran in the building to her room!
I couldn't wait to see her little face!
And there she was just napping away!
She had had such a busy day I guess.
I tried to ask her about her day but she didn't say much...
Off to Work again...
Today is the big day. A day of transition for us. My maternity leave is over and I am headed to work and Lils is headed to her school. I am trying not to be too emotional about it all. She and I have never been apart more than a few hours. It will be a hard day for me I know. I just hope it isn't a hard day for her, and that she has LOADS of fun!
Will report tonight and let you know.
Until then, prayers for strength are appreciated.
Will report tonight and let you know.
Until then, prayers for strength are appreciated.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Genie Bartlett holds a special place in my heart. She was the Moderator of my participant Cursillo. She also is a pretty smart lady who has lots of knowledge about medicine and pediatrics. And she volunteered to talk to me via email when I was freaking out the first few weeks of Lil's life. She got me through some rough times and helped to guide me in getting her back to her birth weight. She was a lifesaver to me and I can't explain how much I appreciated her help and support. Nothing like having a Nurse Practitioner on call via email. She truly was a Godsend!
So when she said she was going to be in Dallas, I jumped at the chance to go see her.
We met at Pappacitos. Too bad it was so noisy in there...but we had a good time anyway!
Here are some pictures of Lils and Genie.
Thanks again, Genie, for your love and support!
Cursillo and God rock!

So when she said she was going to be in Dallas, I jumped at the chance to go see her.
We met at Pappacitos. Too bad it was so noisy in there...but we had a good time anyway!
Here are some pictures of Lils and Genie.
Thanks again, Genie, for your love and support!
Cursillo and God rock!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
October 1st!
Wow. It is already October! I can't believe it!
And my maternity leave is almost at an end. I go back to work on MONDAY! Yikes!
In order to prepare myself (and the Lils) for the dreaded day, I spent some time at the school/daycare. I got to hang out with Miss Myrtle and the babies. There are three other babies in the room. Brooke, (who I swear looks like a Rachel) is 7 months old and is about to move on to a bigger kid room. She was finding her voice and really making noise when I was in there. The Lils won't be able to sleep through that. That will make for crank baby when I pick her up!
Then there is Luke. Luke is the only boy in the room and he is all boy. He is a chunk of a child and he is only 3 months old. He will be gone at the end of November to be at home with his mommy.
Ellie is also in the room with Lils. Ellie looks just like her daddy and has some wild wild hair. She is cute and only 10 days older than Lilly. They should be good friends.
Miss Myrtle really bragged on Lilly and said she didn't act like a 2 month old baby. Lils was alert and checking things out and was very much interested in everything going on in the room. I think she and Miss Myrtle will get along just fine.
Miss Paula, the afternoon lady, was there too. She is very soft spoken and very very kind to the babies.
I am feeling better about leaving her there. I know she will be in good hands. It still makes me sad though. Very sad, to leave her there every day. Mostly cause we have had some fun hanging out together! Good thing is, I have a day off Monday, October 12, so she and I can totally hang out all day that day! Yay us!

Hanging with Miss Myrtle...
And the biggest news of all for today is the fact that Miss Lillian slept through the night!!! Yay. I didn't expect her to do that since she is still being fed with breast milk. Usually, babies who are on formula, sleep through the night faster cause it is more filling than breast milk. So I was surprised that she did it! She probably won't do it again for a while, but at least for last night, she slept all through the night! Yay for her! What a big girl she is!
And my maternity leave is almost at an end. I go back to work on MONDAY! Yikes!
In order to prepare myself (and the Lils) for the dreaded day, I spent some time at the school/daycare. I got to hang out with Miss Myrtle and the babies. There are three other babies in the room. Brooke, (who I swear looks like a Rachel) is 7 months old and is about to move on to a bigger kid room. She was finding her voice and really making noise when I was in there. The Lils won't be able to sleep through that. That will make for crank baby when I pick her up!
Then there is Luke. Luke is the only boy in the room and he is all boy. He is a chunk of a child and he is only 3 months old. He will be gone at the end of November to be at home with his mommy.
Ellie is also in the room with Lils. Ellie looks just like her daddy and has some wild wild hair. She is cute and only 10 days older than Lilly. They should be good friends.
Miss Myrtle really bragged on Lilly and said she didn't act like a 2 month old baby. Lils was alert and checking things out and was very much interested in everything going on in the room. I think she and Miss Myrtle will get along just fine.
Miss Paula, the afternoon lady, was there too. She is very soft spoken and very very kind to the babies.
I am feeling better about leaving her there. I know she will be in good hands. It still makes me sad though. Very sad, to leave her there every day. Mostly cause we have had some fun hanging out together! Good thing is, I have a day off Monday, October 12, so she and I can totally hang out all day that day! Yay us!
And the biggest news of all for today is the fact that Miss Lillian slept through the night!!! Yay. I didn't expect her to do that since she is still being fed with breast milk. Usually, babies who are on formula, sleep through the night faster cause it is more filling than breast milk. So I was surprised that she did it! She probably won't do it again for a while, but at least for last night, she slept all through the night! Yay for her! What a big girl she is!
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