Monday, September 28, 2009

From July 28, to September 28... two whole months!

It is an unofficial birthday today! My little Lils is 2 months old! And to celebrate, she got to go to the doctor and get shots.

This is her before the shots...
Pretty happy...

After Shots!!!.....

But we did have happy things happen after the shots. The doctor said that Lillian is 11 pounds, 8 oz and she is 22 inches long! She is really growing. Dr. Rasmussin, who is awesome by the way, said that she thought Lilly was doing great! Now to get her to sleep more and not keep mommy and daddy up every two hours at night! We are working on that now too.

After the doctor, we got to meet our friends Annie and Jayden for some lunch and some fun. Well, I got to have the fun. Lils slept most of the time. But she woke up just in time for Annie to snuggle with her and get her picture taken with Lils finally.
Here are some cute ones of Annie, Lilly, and Jayden.

1 comment:

  1. We had fun chatting with you today!! Thanks for the snuggles Lil! :) You make me want another little one!
