Friday, July 31, 2009
Yesterday, Today, and on and on...
Now, I didn't quite have the chance to post onto the blog while in labor...(when did he have time to do that???!!) But I am about to lay down and get some rest and thought I would give you the mom's version of things.
Labor was not fun. I mean, really not fun. Epidural only worked on one side of the body, so contractions were very difficult. Pushing was the strangest thing I have ever experienced in my life. I got so tired by the end. I was about to tell Billy just to take me home! I was done pushing. But she is out and here and beautiful and sooo good. She is learning to live with us, but is taking it all in stride. Like she has known us for forever and we are just now meeting her.
The hospital was nice, but it was so amazing to get to go home. Finally a nice long warm shower! In our own beds, with our own stuff...and no one to check our vitals at 2 am! What a blessing home is.
Billy is so amazing. During the pregnancy, Billy would talk to her. Tell her he loved her and just talk to her. I, on the other hand wasn't so flexible to be able to talk to my stomach directly, so I missed out on that opportunity. Once Lillian came out into the world, Billy would get really close to her and talk to her. She was mesmerized! She couldn't get enough of him! And she would instantly calm down, open her eyes, and stare at him. They are bonded. :)
He has also been amazing around here. He is taking his job pretty seriously and I am not having to do anything but sleep and take my shift with the baby. Oh yeah, and breastfeed.
I don't know if I could have done all of this without him. He is pretty awesome!
Superman status I would say.
Oh and speaking of breast feeding, Yeah, it was really NO fun for a while there. Pain is not even a word I would describe. And very discouraging. I just knew I was doing it all wrong and my baby would starve. That was the only time I really felt like a complete failure and truly upset. But the lactation person came in and talked to me and told me that things were really good and got me calmed down. Once milk has come in, breast feeding is less painful and I actually don't cringe at the thought of having to breast feed each time. It will get better and better each time.
I am sure every mom says this, but sometime soon, I will need to write this stuff down officially. There really does need to be a straight answers guide to surviving childbirth, surviving the hospital, and what to expect when you are breast feeding.
Kids, really, don't try this having a baby thing at home!
So, just wanted to update you guys on what was happening with us. I took video this morning of Lillian. Will post soon.
Thanks again for all the well wishes. I am turning comments off on this one... Just wanted to update you.
Labor was not fun. I mean, really not fun. Epidural only worked on one side of the body, so contractions were very difficult. Pushing was the strangest thing I have ever experienced in my life. I got so tired by the end. I was about to tell Billy just to take me home! I was done pushing. But she is out and here and beautiful and sooo good. She is learning to live with us, but is taking it all in stride. Like she has known us for forever and we are just now meeting her.
The hospital was nice, but it was so amazing to get to go home. Finally a nice long warm shower! In our own beds, with our own stuff...and no one to check our vitals at 2 am! What a blessing home is.
Billy is so amazing. During the pregnancy, Billy would talk to her. Tell her he loved her and just talk to her. I, on the other hand wasn't so flexible to be able to talk to my stomach directly, so I missed out on that opportunity. Once Lillian came out into the world, Billy would get really close to her and talk to her. She was mesmerized! She couldn't get enough of him! And she would instantly calm down, open her eyes, and stare at him. They are bonded. :)
He has also been amazing around here. He is taking his job pretty seriously and I am not having to do anything but sleep and take my shift with the baby. Oh yeah, and breastfeed.
I don't know if I could have done all of this without him. He is pretty awesome!
Superman status I would say.
Oh and speaking of breast feeding, Yeah, it was really NO fun for a while there. Pain is not even a word I would describe. And very discouraging. I just knew I was doing it all wrong and my baby would starve. That was the only time I really felt like a complete failure and truly upset. But the lactation person came in and talked to me and told me that things were really good and got me calmed down. Once milk has come in, breast feeding is less painful and I actually don't cringe at the thought of having to breast feed each time. It will get better and better each time.
I am sure every mom says this, but sometime soon, I will need to write this stuff down officially. There really does need to be a straight answers guide to surviving childbirth, surviving the hospital, and what to expect when you are breast feeding.
Kids, really, don't try this having a baby thing at home!
So, just wanted to update you guys on what was happening with us. I took video this morning of Lillian. Will post soon.
Thanks again for all the well wishes. I am turning comments off on this one... Just wanted to update you.
What a Difference a Day Makes
Ah, we are all so much better. Not sure we could use the word routine yet, but we are all figuring each other out. N and I finally got into shift mode, so we are getting 2-3 hours of good sleep at a stretch. House is clean and organized, we are clean and organized, and all three are well fed. We are learning to take care of ourselves and each other. Even Annie watches over us and is staying close. We make sure to give her lots of attention.
Last night was much better. Everyone got a lot of sleep. Rash is better and no signs that the clavicle is even an issue. We are learning how she likes to sleep, and the pacifier is used less and less. Feedings are going very well, the girls are getting this down. N is sore all over, but she's ok. I'm off to run some errands, more to come!
Last night was much better. Everyone got a lot of sleep. Rash is better and no signs that the clavicle is even an issue. We are learning how she likes to sleep, and the pacifier is used less and less. Feedings are going very well, the girls are getting this down. N is sore all over, but she's ok. I'm off to run some errands, more to come!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Bad Night
Baby up until 4. Mommy is Superwoman. Cluster feeding, Google it and fear it. Newborn rash and broken clavicle on top of it equals no fun.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Long Day
It's 1 AM. We are all ready for some sleep after a long day. A few feedings, a few diaper changes, a few things learned. It doesn't get much more perfect than this. Thanks, God.
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She's Here !!
Lillian Elizabeth. 8 pounds 1 ounce, 19 inches. Everyone is doing well. Thanks for all the prayers. We are truly blessed.
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Timing is Everything
Doctor said everything looks good. He estimates 4-5 PM delivery.
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Gimme More
More drugs, contractions getting more intense, and they just upped the Petosin.
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Keith Richards was Right After All
1030 Epidural has been given, Mommy doing fine.
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And the dam breaks
Water broke @ 0630 and I was already in Plano. Yikes!
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Are you ready yet?
This morning, I thought I had contractions. Not like I would know a contraction if it hit me in the face, but I know things didn't feel right. I realized right then, as much as I say I am ready for this baby to come, the idea of actually going into labor scared the crap out of me.
So, I was happy to have a doctor's appointment today to talk about the strange feelings I was having.
But doctor says that dilation hasn't changed. The baby is still pretty high, and that those might have been contractions, might not have. Yeah, no help. So with all the excitement of the possibility of baby coming, she isn't here yet. And doesn't seem at all anxious to come. So we will wait. Maybe the "vibes" reader was right...
Until then, I will get myself a little more ready for labor. Or not.
So, I was happy to have a doctor's appointment today to talk about the strange feelings I was having.
But doctor says that dilation hasn't changed. The baby is still pretty high, and that those might have been contractions, might not have. Yeah, no help. So with all the excitement of the possibility of baby coming, she isn't here yet. And doesn't seem at all anxious to come. So we will wait. Maybe the "vibes" reader was right...
Until then, I will get myself a little more ready for labor. Or not.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Reading My Vibes
So, Saturday, B was in charge of an event at church. We have some lovely people at our church. Some of them are a little odd, but still lovely. So, this man comes up to me and says, "I need to get close to you so I can read your vibes".
Yeah, I wasn't sure at first what he said, so I just said ok. He asked me my official due date and then said in a matter of fact voice that the "vibes" were telling him that baby would be here August 8 at 2:45 am.
Yeah, I hope not.
We will see.
If anyone comes up to you, gets really close, and says they want to read your vibes, go ahead and do it. It didn't hurt and it certainly was entertaining.
It at least beats the person who asked me if I had three more months to go. No thanks. I am huge enough.
Yeah, I wasn't sure at first what he said, so I just said ok. He asked me my official due date and then said in a matter of fact voice that the "vibes" were telling him that baby would be here August 8 at 2:45 am.
Yeah, I hope not.
We will see.
If anyone comes up to you, gets really close, and says they want to read your vibes, go ahead and do it. It didn't hurt and it certainly was entertaining.
It at least beats the person who asked me if I had three more months to go. No thanks. I am huge enough.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Doctor's appointment happened today. All is well. We had another sonogram. Pictures look very similar to the old ones. She has some big old cheeks. Pike cheeks for sure! Billy says she has a big nose too. Poor little thing. Maybe she is self conscious because every time we try to take her picture, she has her hand in front of her face!
All the measurements are good/average except for her tummy. She has a big round tummy. My doctor says that is nothing to worry about. Some kids have a big head, some come out looking like a bowling ball, I guess.
She is big already! 7lbs, 11 oz! And she is 20 inches long. She face down and is in place. Now for her to feel like she is ready to come see us!
Confessions of a Soon-to-be Mom...(speaking a new language)
When a bunch of us teachers get together, Billy usually excuses himself to go in the other room, or entertain himself in another way. Not because he doesn't like my teacher friends, but because he can't get into the teacher language. He has gotten the hang of phrases such as, "unifix cubes" and "within continuous text" or words like "schema" but he still gets a little lost, and a lot bored in the conversation. Same thing goes when I am at a work function for him. I barely understand a few words spoken then. We all speak the language in which we are surrounded. It is just a way of life.
So, about a month ago, Allison, Annie and I were together. Annie has a little boy who is not yet a year old. Allison doesn't have a baby yet (because she needs to finish her Master's Degree first!) and well, then there is me... the expectant mother.
So in the middle of hanging out, I guess Annie and I started some "mom talk". Allison finally stopped us and politely said, "you guys are speaking mom talk and I don't know what you are talking about". It hit me then, I have learned a new language.
I now can speak words like dilation, due date, sonogram, effacement, epidural (I like that word a lot) and other frightening words like those. But I also know about baby stuff words. These are the most fun of all. Yes, friends. Butt Cream, Nipple cream, jumper, snuggli, bumbo, and my current favorite, the Boppy. OH yes. The Boppy. If you ever find yourself in the beginning stages of being pregnant, run right out and get yourself a Boppy early! Do it. You will thank yourself later. The Boppy, to those who don't speak the language, is a breast feeding pillow. It is essentially, a C shaped pillow that fits around the mom's body to support the baby when breast feeding. It, and I am not lying about this, has a similar cousin named, "My Breast Friend". Yep. Corny but very true.
But why would one want a Boppy in the beginning stages of pregnancy? One might ask. OH because it can be used for so much more than that. it can be wrapped around your neck for support when sitting up, it can be placed under the large large belly when lying down on your side, it can be placed at the end of the bed in order to prop feet. It is an all purpose tool, I tell you. Most importantly, at this stage of the game, it allows me to have some "Tummy Time" and actually lay on my tummy for a bit, which I really miss. Reading books has become more comfortable when supported on my belly by the Boppy.
I never knew how useful a tool it could be. And I never knew how important a word like Boppy could be in my vocabulary.
Just goes to show that we are all learning, growing, and speaking new languages every day. Mine just currently happens to be mom/baby.
So, about a month ago, Allison, Annie and I were together. Annie has a little boy who is not yet a year old. Allison doesn't have a baby yet (because she needs to finish her Master's Degree first!) and well, then there is me... the expectant mother.
So in the middle of hanging out, I guess Annie and I started some "mom talk". Allison finally stopped us and politely said, "you guys are speaking mom talk and I don't know what you are talking about". It hit me then, I have learned a new language.
I now can speak words like dilation, due date, sonogram, effacement, epidural (I like that word a lot) and other frightening words like those. But I also know about baby stuff words. These are the most fun of all. Yes, friends. Butt Cream, Nipple cream, jumper, snuggli, bumbo, and my current favorite, the Boppy. OH yes. The Boppy. If you ever find yourself in the beginning stages of being pregnant, run right out and get yourself a Boppy early! Do it. You will thank yourself later. The Boppy, to those who don't speak the language, is a breast feeding pillow. It is essentially, a C shaped pillow that fits around the mom's body to support the baby when breast feeding. It, and I am not lying about this, has a similar cousin named, "My Breast Friend". Yep. Corny but very true.
But why would one want a Boppy in the beginning stages of pregnancy? One might ask. OH because it can be used for so much more than that. it can be wrapped around your neck for support when sitting up, it can be placed under the large large belly when lying down on your side, it can be placed at the end of the bed in order to prop feet. It is an all purpose tool, I tell you. Most importantly, at this stage of the game, it allows me to have some "Tummy Time" and actually lay on my tummy for a bit, which I really miss. Reading books has become more comfortable when supported on my belly by the Boppy.
I never knew how useful a tool it could be. And I never knew how important a word like Boppy could be in my vocabulary.
Just goes to show that we are all learning, growing, and speaking new languages every day. Mine just currently happens to be mom/baby.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The decorated baby room
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
More Wise Words and Advice from Random Strangers
From the old man walking through the parking lot at Kroger today:
(Looking down at my huge belly) Yeah, good luck lady.
From the lady who cuts my hair:
Now, when you have the baby, the Chinese say don't take a bath after having the baby when you get home but I say, it ok. Just no scrub yourself too much or you might get blood vessels.
Also from her: Make sure to blow dry your hair when you wash it after the baby (I guess after the forbidden bath/shower?) or else when you are older, your hair will be itchy.
Another woman at the "salon" today: If you want a boy after this one, you can do it. But if you want a girl after this girl, you will need to wait 10 years. That is what I did and it worked.
Please Lord, help me to remember NOT to give pregnancy advice to total strangers after this is all over.
And if I do give it, help it to make some sense.
(Looking down at my huge belly) Yeah, good luck lady.
From the lady who cuts my hair:
Now, when you have the baby, the Chinese say don't take a bath after having the baby when you get home but I say, it ok. Just no scrub yourself too much or you might get blood vessels.
Also from her: Make sure to blow dry your hair when you wash it after the baby (I guess after the forbidden bath/shower?) or else when you are older, your hair will be itchy.
Another woman at the "salon" today: If you want a boy after this one, you can do it. But if you want a girl after this girl, you will need to wait 10 years. That is what I did and it worked.
Please Lord, help me to remember NOT to give pregnancy advice to total strangers after this is all over.
And if I do give it, help it to make some sense.
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