Well, we survived our very first trip away from home. It is a miracle! We decided to leave Wednesday night late, so we could have a sleeping baby in the car on the three hour drive to Brownwood. As soon as we got on the highway, she was out and I got to nap a bit before we drove up the driveway to the casa de parentals. I think my parents had been pacing the floor just waiting for Lils to get there because they were plenty excited when we walked in the door carrying a sleeping baby. But Lils sensed the excitement, and the idea that spoilment was on the way, and she woke up. And then she was awake for a LONG time. Yeah. 1 am we finally got her down to sleep. My dad was a trooper. Long after mom and Billy had gone to sleep, dad was up rocking her, talking to her, calming her down. The next morning, her Nana got right to work making a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner and Grandpa decided he needed LOTS of Lilly time. He even took a nap with her and wouldn't even put her down in her crib to nap.

He set her on the floor once because we told him she needed floor playing time and he felt guilty. About 10 minutes later, she was back in his lap playing and talking and smiling. She does love her Grandpa.

I don't know that I had seen my dad so delighted as when he got to show off the Lils to the family. Gail had met her before, but she was much littler then. She couldn't get over what a change there had been and how big she had become. We were pretty excited about McKinsey coming to see her. Kinsey has been waiting to see Lils for FOREVER! My dad did give up holding her for McKinsey, but I think he shook a little bit from baby withdrawals.

My cousin Frank brought the best present! It was so timely. He brought a booster seat with some toys on it for her to play with while we ate dinner. What a fantastic gift! She played and played and was quite happy as long as she was in the chair, and we were happy to get to eat at the same time instead of in shifts. I highly recommend the chair and will post pictures soon!
So Friday, my dad and Billy went golfing. With the baby hog gone, my mom (the Nana) took the opportunity to spend time with and show off the Lils. Poor Nana. With Grandpa around, she gets very little Lil time.

But Lilly was so great. We just went to all kinds of houses and she didn't fuss much at all, even though she hadn't had a nap. She was charming and smiled and talked and played and laughed and had a good time. I think my mom was really pleased to have such a sweet baby.
We decided to drive home around 4 on Friday since she hadn't yet had a nap. I figured she would quickly fall asleep in the car on the way home. Not so quickly though. She played and laughed and had fun for about an hour of the drive. She finally got bored and went to sleep. So did I. Yay for car napping. Not the most comfortable thing to do, but still a nap is a nap.
Today, I think Lil was having Grandpa and Nana withdrawals. She kept looking around as if she was looking for them to show up. Poor little thing. No extra spoiling till she sees them again.
She was such a good good baby considering she has really started teething lately and has been sort of cranky because her teeth/gums hurt. She is also dealing with the change of weather and therefore had had a really runny nose the past few days. Both of those things could have made her super crank baby, but they didn't. She just went with the flow and laughed and played. We go to the doctor for her 4 month check up on Monday. Hopefully, Dr. R can help us with some of these issues and make life a little better for Lilly.
We are hoping Lil will feel better soon so we can celebrate Thanksgiving with Billy's family as well. Don't want to miss out on Papa and Grandma time!
Here are some pictures of the Pike Family Thanksgiving 09

Frank and Lil hanging out.

Is that a Grumpy Face I see??? The teeth were really bugging her.

McKinsey...the one picture I have of her without the baby. Lil must have been with my dad then.

Melissa and Frank. Poor Melissa. She walked in the door, met everyone, and then was handed the baby and the pictures started flashing. At one point she said she felt like she was at the prom. I am sorry Melissa. We aren't this crazy all the time... no, I take it back. We are this crazy all the time.

My cousin Robbie and his girlfriend Amanda.

Lil entertaining my Aunt Gail.

Getting ready for Thanksgiving. Wonder why she looks so mad. My mom thinks it is the big flower I put on her head. I think not. She went through three outfits on Thanksgiving day. Oh the joys of poop, spit up, and drool!