Monday, January 18, 2010

Lils and the Doctor.

We have had some exciting times around our house recently. Lils has been having a runny nose for a while and we are pretty used to that with this crazy weather, but the other day, I picked her up from daycare and her eyes were pretty much swollen shut. They looked terrible. Poor little thing was miserable, but still was such a trooper. She didn't have a fever that night but we decided to be safe and get her to the doctor anyway. "Just a cold" the doctor said. (I think she has allergies) So we didn't worry too much about it. Not even a week later, we were back to see the doctor again. This time she did have a fever. Not a high high fever, but enough to make us pretty worried. As our friend Genie says, "it isn't the fever that you worry about, it is what is causing the fever". So, we took her in again. This time, we discovered the beginnings of an ear infection. Not big, and certainly manageable. Thank goodness. Sick babies are no fun to first time parents. We worry and feel worse than the baby does, I think. The antibiotics are bubble gum flavored. Sounds great to a kid, no so much for a baby who has no schema for bubble gum. Just tastes strange to her. Trying to use the syringe that came with the meds led to big huge pink bubble gum flavored mess! Ginger had given us this thing that looks like a pacifier that dispenses the medicine. It is the greatest thing on the planet, I tell you! I will include one of those in every shower gift I give from now on!

But we are on the mend now, and it looks like the weather is getting warmer, so maybe the runny nose will clear up soon. Who knows. Thanks for checking in. I will try not to be such a slacker next time. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm sorry! I can't believe I forgot to tell you this. If you're ever without the pacifier doo-hickey...since Lils eats from a bottle anyway, you can just stick a bottle nipple in her mouth (unattached to the bottle) and squirt the medicine in it. Works best when she's hungry and eating so fast she isn't tasting it.

    Hope she's all well soon.
