Yeah, we have been slackers. We know. Things go so quickly and we get busy.
Thanks, loyal readers for sticking with us.
We love you for it.
Lilly would like all of her adoring fans to know how excited she is to have her Grandpa and Nana close by. They have moved officially to Arlington and it has already been so nice to have them so close. The saved her last Friday from daycare when she was feeling so puny and took her to their house to take care of her. What a life saver that is for us!
Tomorrow, we are headed to the zoo. Mommy is taking a day off and Daddy has a week off, so we are all heading out to the heat of the zoo.
Lilly loves loves loves any kind of animals but she especially likes kitty cats! Another thing about my parents moving to Arlington, when she gets tired of torturing Annie, our cat, she can then go to Nana and Grandpa's house and torture their cat, Kitty Hawk.
She is really good at saying "kitty kitty" when she sees a cat or when she hears one in another room. Not sure if we could consider that her first official word or not as she already is saying "mama" and "dada".
This summer, Mommy is teaching summer school, so Lils will get to spend time at daycare. There will be a few days, I am sure, when she will forgo daycare to play hooky with the grandparents. I am signing her up for kindermusic, and they will be taking her every Monday morning, so I would be willing to bet that the rest of the day each Monday will be adventures with the grandparents.
Lils is already pulling up and doing lots of standing. She is working on balancing herself and is beginning to walk around the coffee table like a pro. It will be no time before she actually starts walking, I am sure of it.
Our little girl is getting so grown up!
I will (hopefully) post some pictures of the zoo adventures tomorrow. Till then, thanks for being patient.
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