Saturday, March 20, 2010

Big Girl Room

My parents came into town at the end of this week and we decided to go see Avatar in 3D. This meant leaving Lils at Daycare for a few hours while we went to the movies. (she was anxious to play with Ms. Myrtle and all her friends)
I guess many of the parents of the kids at the daycare are teachers. They were having Spring Break as well and they decided to keep their kids home. Since no kids showed up that morning from Lilly's room, they sent Ms. Myrtle home.
When we showed up at noon, they asked us to take Lilly to the Crib One room. OH WOW. This room is quite big and different from the room that Lils has been in. It is the room that she will eventually graduate to when the time is right.
The room is much bigger and has LOTS of bigger baby toys, stuff Lils was quite interested in. I could tell she was going to really enjoy being in the room and playing with stuff.
They had three other babies in there, all taking a nap at the time Lils came in, so I knew there would be some fun friends to play with once they woke up. I wasn't sure, however, about how she would handle not having Ms. Myrtle or any of her other regular teachers around. She doesn't seem to handle strange grown ups well unless Mommy and Daddy are there. She seemed to, however, do really well. They all knew her and had seen and played with her before, so that made a big difference.

So while at the movies, I worried and felt guilty about leaving Lilly with people who weren't Mommy, Daddy, or Ms. Myrtle. I worried that she wouldn't eat well, nap well, or be happy there.
As soon as the movie was over, I called the school. They were happy to report that she was doing well and was flirting with a boy named Gram. Yep, Daddy would be thrilled to hear that news!

As soon as the movie was over, we rushed back to the school to pick her up. (I missed her too much, and the baby hog Grandpa needed to get his fill) She was just as happy as could be there at the school, eating and playing with Coleman and Gram. I worried for nothing.

All that playing and big girl room made her pretty tired though. As soon as we got home and got settled, she was fast asleep. I tried to wake her up around 7 to eat and get pajamas on, but she was having none of that.
Just more sleeping. Poor little girl slept till 7 the next morning.

Being in the Big Girl Room can take it out of a person.

I hadn't been too anxious to move her to the big girl Crib one room, but if it will wear her out and get her to sleep through the night better, I might just be happier about it.


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