Monday, December 14, 2009

You'd better watch out... You'd better not cry...

Our little Lils had a pretty exciting day today! She got to visit Santa! This morning, she dressed up in her happiest holiday clothes, and put on her santa hat and went off to school to add happiness to the rest of the daycare.
I think Santa had been there ALLLL day with nothing to do because as soon as he saw kids come in, he got excited. Every kid that was before us in line, got to sit on Santa's lap and hear strange stories from Santa for a full 20 minutes. Santa talked about cell phone services to one kid and peas and mac and cheese to another. Like I said, Santa must have been very lonely before the kids showed up.

As soon as Lilly got to Santa, he got pretty quiet. No funny jokes or stories for us. He was all business. He was so worried that Lils would cry at him. But Lils isn't that kind of girl. She loves talking to people and didn't mind at all being held by Santa. I am sure it was a nice change from what he is used to.

The Lils seemed excited to meet Santa and actually got to meet Mrs. Claus too! She was so nice and complimented Lils. She said she was a beautiful and well behaved baby. But we already knew that!
By the time we got her in the car and on the way home, she was crashed out in her car seat. Santa wore her out!

Goodnight, Santa. See ya soon. Maybe we should leave you mac and cheese and peas instead of cookies this year?

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