So one Christmas down. One to go. We had a chance to spend Christmas Eve with Billy's parents. It was nice to get to spend time with them. Billy's mom got her a cute cute rocking elephant and some fun toys. One of which was a blue bear that rattles. We have named it Beary since I had a blue bear named Beary when I was little. Lils loves Beary. He has already been made a part of the family by getting both poop and throw up on him in one day!
Last Saturday, we got to go to Billy's Aunt Frances and Uncle Randy's house. Lils was the hit of the party. Even the dogs wanted to know all about her. She was so good and so happy.
My parents come on Thursday, so we will have more Christmas fun. Then on Saturday, to celebrate the new year, we will go to Granbury to my Aunt Gail's house. So fun. I like it when we can celebrate for an entire week.
Billy has been off of work the last two days so we have had a really long weekend with him. What a great thing it has been to just hang out and slow down. I think we just got so busy before Christmas, it was nice to slow down and really enjoy each other.
Monday, we think that Lils began a growing spurt. She slept soo much the last few days and has eaten ALL the time. We tried to put her in her usual pajamas tonight and they just barely fit her! She is growing too fast!!!
Maybe I needed to tell Santa she needed new pajamas?
From our family to yours, Hope you enjoy some slow, relaxing time with each other. Love each other, and hug and kiss those you hold dear. We sure are over here.
Merry Christmas! (still not too late since ours isn't over yet)