Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas is not over yet!

So one Christmas down. One to go. We had a chance to spend Christmas Eve with Billy's parents. It was nice to get to spend time with them. Billy's mom got her a cute cute rocking elephant and some fun toys. One of which was a blue bear that rattles. We have named it Beary since I had a blue bear named Beary when I was little. Lils loves Beary. He has already been made a part of the family by getting both poop and throw up on him in one day!
Last Saturday, we got to go to Billy's Aunt Frances and Uncle Randy's house. Lils was the hit of the party. Even the dogs wanted to know all about her. She was so good and so happy.

My parents come on Thursday, so we will have more Christmas fun. Then on Saturday, to celebrate the new year, we will go to Granbury to my Aunt Gail's house. So fun. I like it when we can celebrate for an entire week.

Billy has been off of work the last two days so we have had a really long weekend with him. What a great thing it has been to just hang out and slow down. I think we just got so busy before Christmas, it was nice to slow down and really enjoy each other.

Monday, we think that Lils began a growing spurt. She slept soo much the last few days and has eaten ALL the time. We tried to put her in her usual pajamas tonight and they just barely fit her! She is growing too fast!!!

Maybe I needed to tell Santa she needed new pajamas?

From our family to yours, Hope you enjoy some slow, relaxing time with each other. Love each other, and hug and kiss those you hold dear. We sure are over here.

Merry Christmas! (still not too late since ours isn't over yet)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Lil's First Christmas

Dear Lilly,
It doesn't always snow on Christmas. I promise.
Love, Mommy.

This morning, Lilly was up before dawn, laughing and ready to start the day. It was as if she just KNEW about the presents waiting for her from Santa. So mommy and daddy woke up too and stumbled into the living room to enjoy our annual viewing of the Christmas Story. Once the sun came up, we bundled her up, got out the sled and put her out in the snow for some pictures. We have to prove that it at least snowed once in her lifetime on Christmas.

She didn't seem to mind being out in the snow until I took some snow and put it on her hand to feel it. Then she was not happy. Too cold! And she was ready ready ready to go inside in the nice warm house, and out of that silly snowman outfit.

We got her inside and let her open some gifts. Daddy figured out a way to stream videos from the iphone so we took quite a few videos of her opening gifts. You can find them at http://www.qik.com/nikkipt

She actually loved tearing that paper. And she loves her gifts that her grandma and grandpa got her! And Santa got her a little phone like the ones mommy and daddy have. I will be interested/afraid to see what Nana and Grandpa bring to her. Remember people, we only have so much space in our house. :)

Love to you all. Thanks Santa for bringing me exactly what I wanted this year. ;)
She is just perfect.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Anderaus

My Uncle Bill and Aunt Marion stopped by from Houston to see the Lils. It was really nice of them to come. I wish we had been able to visit longer. Maybe we will get to see them again soon.

Christmas Eve in Texas.

While the Lils is sleeping, I will try to catch up on the blog.
It is Christmas Eve and it is snowing outside. I wish she knew to be excited. I wish she knew that this is something we don't normally see in Texas. That it is a big deal. And I wish her eyes would shine with acknowledgment of that. But she is too little still to know. So for now, we will just enjoy the snow, take naps, and keep warm and wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lilly's First Visit with Santa

Well, we were brave and took The Lils to see Santa. She had a great time and was sooo good.

A flying elf.

Playing in line.

And finally, visiting Santa

Monday, December 14, 2009

You'd better watch out... You'd better not cry...

Our little Lils had a pretty exciting day today! She got to visit Santa! This morning, she dressed up in her happiest holiday clothes, and put on her santa hat and went off to school to add happiness to the rest of the daycare.
I think Santa had been there ALLLL day with nothing to do because as soon as he saw kids come in, he got excited. Every kid that was before us in line, got to sit on Santa's lap and hear strange stories from Santa for a full 20 minutes. Santa talked about cell phone services to one kid and peas and mac and cheese to another. Like I said, Santa must have been very lonely before the kids showed up.

As soon as Lilly got to Santa, he got pretty quiet. No funny jokes or stories for us. He was all business. He was so worried that Lils would cry at him. But Lils isn't that kind of girl. She loves talking to people and didn't mind at all being held by Santa. I am sure it was a nice change from what he is used to.

The Lils seemed excited to meet Santa and actually got to meet Mrs. Claus too! She was so nice and complimented Lils. She said she was a beautiful and well behaved baby. But we already knew that!
By the time we got her in the car and on the way home, she was crashed out in her car seat. Santa wore her out!

Goodnight, Santa. See ya soon. Maybe we should leave you mac and cheese and peas instead of cookies this year?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sleep talking

As I was putting Lils to sleep tonight, she started talking...
She was nestled in my shoulder and just talking and talking... Totally asleep.
Yep. She is my child!

The video is terrible... Like I said, she was nestled in my shoulder, so I couldn't get good video so don't worry about what you see. But you will want to turn the volume up! So cute!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eating Solid Food

Ok, it was actually pretty watery, but it was cereal. She took right to it. Smart little booger.