Friday, June 26, 2009

Word of Advice...

Please people! Never never never say this to a pregnant woman...

From the check out woman at Kroger today:

"Oh, look at you! You are so cute! With that big fat belly!"

Thursday, June 18, 2009

New Pictures!!!

We had a sonogram today to check on baby's size. No worries there. She is BIG! 6 pounds! As if childbirth didn't frighten me before!

Here are the newest pictures...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Confessions of a Soon-to-be Mom... (showers)

Edit: This is an editorial and in no way is intended as a criticism for all of the amazing things I was given at my baby shower! I promise. This is all about me and what I have learned about myself as a gift giver. Honestly.

I must begin by apologizing to all moms before me whose showers I have attended. Really, I meant well. I just didn't know.
After having three baby showers and receiving some lovely lovely things, I have learned what crappy gifts I gave prior to having my own showers. Yeah. Crappy. It wasn't until the last shower I attended that I got smart and asked my friend G, who recently had had a baby, what sort of things mom's need but don't usually get at showers. I will admit that the shower gift then was really good. But only thanks to G.
So here are some of my new rules for shopping for shower gifts.

* Stick to the registry. They registered for a reason. They picked out what they wanted. It isn't up to me to make a judgement on that. So what if I think everything they chose is UGLY, it is what they chose.

* And on that note, don't buy cutesy unless they really did register for it. Yeah, that Green and white piggy bank with 100,000 bows on it is really cute but um, no. Resist the urge! Now, if they registered for said piggy bank, go all out! Peace be with them.

* Gift receipts are sooo important. When the Target lady asks you if you want them, take them and put them in the card with the gift, not in the bottom of the bag to get lost or to come out with the tissue paper. Really, I know they registered for a diaper warmer, but they might have gotten 72 of them and they might just only need 70. Yours might just be the one they take back. Get over it.

* And make sure to put the gift receipt in with the gift. How many times lately have I heard, "oh, I have a gift receipt. Just let me know and I will give it to you." Well, I don't want to tell you that I got 14 Eric Carle worms with matching Hungry Caterpillar book and would like to return it, that would be rude. Don't offer the receipt. Just stick it in there all along. Saves on too many butterflies later on.

* Think about sizes and the weather when purchasing outfits. I honestly didn't think about this till just the other day when I looked at all of the 6 month stuff in the closet. Yeah, in 6 months, as cute as the little summer outfits will be, it will be February. Tank tops and cute sandals will not really work then.

* Gift cards are lovely. No, you don't get to OOOOH and AAAH at the actual shower over a gift card, but it can come in really handy when the mom to be is shopping for items that she needs because she got too many green bowed piggy banks.

Ok, stick with these handy dandy rules and you can't go wrong purchasing a gift for a friend or relative. The mommy and new baby will thank you for it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Childbirth Classes

Childbirth classes should be taught in 7th grade. That ought to scare the little idiots into thinking twice.


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